Anatomy & Physiology: Identity Project
Grades 11, 12
Anatomy and Physiology: In this series of lessons, scholars explore their identities as a foundation of classroom culture and for their exploration of biology. Note from the writer: This is my 4th year teaching Anatomy & Physiology and during the summer of 2019, I attended Dr. Sonia’s (Sonia James-Wilson) summer institute on CRRP. I was fascinated with all the information she presented. She had us explore our identity through a different kind of lens. Ourselves. Not how we think others view us, but having us look deep within ourselves. I met with her numerous times about how to incorporate this into the A&P curriculum and it didn’t really fit anywhere so we used it as an introduction and titled it: Who are you? This was a different approach than previous years but I felt it was important for our scholars to look at who they are or who they think they are before getting into the cellular level and exploring all the different systems. The scholars loved the hands on activities which included the mask making. The mask making PPT, lesson plan, identity map and student pictures were utilized Fall of 2019 in school. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to the integumentary system (skin) because Dr. Sonia and I were going to bring back the CRRP material in that unit in regards to why skin colors are different and what does it mean.